Who we are

We have come together as a team to contribute to the digital transformation of the chemical industry and to a more sustainable future.

Dr. Mónica de Mier
Dr. Mónica de Mier CEO
MBA, PhD in Engineering

R&D manager at Abengoa
Business Development at Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Dr. Stephan Mohr
Dr. Stephan MohrScientific Director
PhD in Physics

Researcher at University Basel, CEA Grenoble and Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Dr. Alejandro Mañas
Dr. Alejandro MañasCTO
PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Software Architect Technical Lead at Inditex, CTO at QUIBIM

Dr. Rémi Pétuya
Dr. Rémi PétuyaR&D Lead
PhD in Chemistry

Researcher at Université de Bordeaux, Donostia Int. Physics Center and University of Liverpool

Dr. Emanuele Bosoni
Dr. Emanuele BosoniSoftware Engineer
PhD in Theoretical and Computational Solid-State Physics

Researcher at Trinity College Dublin and Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona

Dr. Cristina Roncero
Dr. Cristina RonceroR&D Engineer
PhD in Chemistry

Master in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Didac Martí
Didac MartíR&D Engineer
Master in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling

Degree in Engineering Physics
Researcher at BarcelonaTech

Dr. Alvaro Serrano
Dr. Alvaro SerranoFrontend Developer
PhD in Organic Chemistry

Researcher at University of Duisburg-Essen, Frontend Lead at Capital Certainty

Gerard Solanes
Gerard SolanesFullstack Developer
Degree in Physics

Want to meet us?